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All in good time

Writer's picture: Mary OrrMary Orr

This time of year is a struggle for me. I am trying to get everything and everyone in order for show season. It feels like no matter how hard I try when I look at the calendar, I feel the clock ticking faster and faster. On Wednesday, as I raced EJ to school I was reminded I am not in control and everything happens at the right time -not on my time. 

Right now, to even have a chance of getting out the door on time with everyone headed in the right direction with the food, clothes and paperwork they need, we have to start at 5am. I have always gotten up early but I will be honest, aside from horse shows my alarm clock is not always set to 5am -and only now do we almost have the children sleeping through the night. I have learned that I do better waking up hearing Alan Jackson singing to me over the beeping of the iPhone. I have learned that a load of laundry must be done daily and the more I can do the night before, the better it is for the whole group. Slowly, the Orr's are figuring out this "family" thing and a routine is very important. 

On Wednesday, from the moment my feet hit the floor the "routine" was not in place. EJ did not sleep well, which meant he was sideways in our bed and not a fan of getting up. Ellis is the same but now, because she walks, containing her as we try to prepare for the day is much more of a challenge. Mom and Dad had the morning shift with the kids which meant I took EJ to school and Ellis to their house. Basically we were doing the absolute opposite of what we should be doing in the morning. Once I finally got EJ's dinosaur shirt on I knew it was time to take a breath and give in to fact that I needed to work with the schedule I was being given. 

I drove EJ to school talking to the car as I made sure everyone was good to go at the barn. I got EJ out of the car and we headed into his school. We love EJ's School. We love the teachers, the people and the feel. The previous night there was a Parent Meeting. I was reminded I am not the only one with things changing. The school director is very sick in addition to the fact that EJ's School is transitioning to  be an independent school. In the parent meeting I could feel two things, worry for the school director and love. Love for the school, for the children, for their mission and because of this love a desire to continue on and grow. Not the best timing, but all in good time.

Walking EJ in as I was greeted by the teachers I ran into the new school director. He noticed my spurs and I explained what we do. He wanted to know where were were and I told him. I made sure to let him know we supported the school and we would be happy to help in any way we could. He told me, "We need to talk." He went on to say how much he thought horses could be a great asset to the school and the children. He was excited and so was I. What would have happened if I had not taken EJ to school the day? What a wonderful opportunity to work with young children for High Caliber.  All in good time. 

I got to work and everything was running smoothly. We have great people. They know their job. I used my car time to make phone calls and again, I realized that life is busy and messy and we need to plan but there just has to be an understanding that plans change and you need to go with those plans because often they shoot you in a direction you did not know you needed to be shot. 

This next week I will spend my whole week in meetings -and if I am not in meetings, I will be looking at horses. I struggle with time away from the barn and it no surprise to anyone that sitting still is not my strong suit. What I do know is I am applying for my large "R" as a judge. I know that I need to participate in meetings that affect our business and our industry. We will be celebrating some special successes for 2019 with our barn family and we will be working on finding the right fit for some of our riders. 

What I know for sure is the right horses often come when you are not looking. What I know for sure is worry gets you nowhere but sick and upset. What I know for sure is things have a way of working out, even if you have a different idea and most of the time it is better from a learning stand point or even a life stand point. I know I am a worrier but I find my time is better spent taking a breath, making a list, and continuing on with the plan that is much bigger than me. 

Here is to gearing up for show season, going with the flow, making plans but always knowing it works out the way it should when it should. 

Have A Great Week. 

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